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 Children & Youth Ministry

Covenant provides children and youth with a safe and nurturing environment with a range of Sunday School classes, childcare options, participation in worship, and youth group.



Children are encouraged to attend worship with their parents. Children’s worship bags are available each week to provide additional engagement during worship. We welcome wiggles in worship!


Check the weekly e-blast for fun family events and service opportunities. We make sandwiches about once a month, cheer on the Peachtree Road Race in July, and have a Christmas concert on the front steps each year. The yearly All Church Retreat is also a great get-away for families of all ages.



A twelve-week confirmation class is offered to middle and early high schoolers every other year. Students meet with other youth and leaders in the Greater Atlanta Presbytery and are paired with adult mentors in the church for additional exploration and field trips.


Covenant Youth Group (CYG) is a welcoming place for middle and high school youth from 5th to 12th grades to come together on Sundays for fellowship, study, and service. We meet on the 1st Sundays following worship from Noon-2:00pm to share in a meal, prayer, games, and a weekly topic. We also have regularly scheduled service opportunities.
